Structure (Organization) of the Order

The Chartered World Order of the Knights of Justice of Peace, as an international non-governmental organization (NGO), is divided into a number of so called Grand Priories, Priories, Commanderies and Delegations. They form part of the Organization of the Order and are commanded by Grand Priors, Priors, Commanders and Delegates. There shall be no distinction between Grand Priories and Priories as these terms have historically been used in the Order. All Oranizations called Priory or Commandery are by nature the same. The terms Grand Priory are normally limited to Organizations which are divided internally into Commanderies or Delegations as sub-organizations of the national Organization which have within their geographic boundaries ONE by CinemaP-1\.9c\\\0022 “”> or more Hereditary Commanderies. Hereditary Commanderies are depending directly from the Grand Master.

  Grand Council Organization of the Order
  Albania Commandery of Albania
  Argentina Priory of Argentina
  Australia Priory of Australia
  Austria Priory of Austria
  Belgium Commandery of Belgium
  Brazil Commandery of Brazil
  Canada Priory of Canada
  China Priory of China
  Columbia Commandery of Columbia
  Costa Rica Commandery of Costa Rica
  Czech Republic Commandery of Czech Republic
  Finland Priory of Finland
  France Priory of France
  Germany Priory of Germany
  Ghana Commandery of Ghana
  Great Britain Priory of England

Priory of Scotland

Commandery of Wales

  Greece Commandery of Greece
  Hong Kong Priory of Hong Kong
  Hungary Commandery of Hungary
  India Priory of India
  Italy Priory of Italy
  Japan Commandery of Japan
  Korea Commandery of Korea
  Kuwait Emirate of Kuwait
  Latvia Commandery of Latvia
  Malaysia Priory of Malaysia
  Malta Priory of Malta
  Mexico Commandery of Mexico
  Monaco Priory of Monaco
  The Netherlands Commandery of The Netherlands
  Nicaragua Commandery of Nicaragua
  Norway Commandery of Norway
  Panama Commandery of Panama
  The Philippines Priory of the Philippines
  Poland Priory of Poland
  Portugal Commandery of Portugal
  Romania Priory of Romania
  Russia Priory of Russia
  San Marino Priory of San Marino
  Spain Priory of Spain
  Sweden Commandery of Sweden
  Switzerland Priory of Switzerland
  U.S.A. Priory of U.S.A
Nigeria Priory of Nigeria

Headquarters of the Order in N. Ireland
Petition for Membership

Any person interested in becoming a member of The Chartered World Order of the Knights of Justice of Peace is herewith invited to contact us for joining the nearest Commandery within his/her home country.